Created in 1947, the CSTB is a public commercial and industrial establishment (EPIC) under the control of the Ministry Public Works, Transport and Housing.
With its experts, researchers, technicians and engineers, the CSTB is preparing the future of the construction industry. It has carried out its four roles in a pluri-disciplinary spirit:
- conduct research into all fields of construction.
- provide scientific and technical consultancy services.
- contribute to the evaluation of quality (standardization, approval, qualifications, opinions of professional software) and to the reliability of innovation in construction.
- distribute information (publication, training).
**Fields of Activity
- Health, environment, risk prevention: controlling the impact on the environment of construction materials and the buildings themselves, controlling energy consumption, prevention of health and safety risks to occupants.
- Comfort and atmosphere- provisional tools and methods to evaluate inside and outside comfort: acoustics, lighting and heat.
- Building and equipment technologies – support for architectural and industrial innovation (structure, equipment envelope, materials).
- Evaluation of the quality of products and innovative processes. Information industries: development of new services to be used by construction professionals, virtual reality, distribution tools and information exchange.
- Economy and sociology: cost of products, players in the construction industry, requalification of urban areas, analyze techniques and innovation.
**Key Figures
- Annual budget of more than 52 million euros (2001).
- 600 employees, including 300 engineers and researchers.
- 5 establishments (Paris, Marne-la-Vallée, Grenoble, Nantes, Sophia-Antipolis).