Study on human fertility and reproduction near the spent fuels treatment facility in the Hague

A study carried out by Inserm Team 822 « Reproductive health, sexuality, HIV infection: Epidemiology, demography, social sciences » (Kremlin Bicêtre) examines the reproductive life of the general population of the Beaumont-Hague region, where the spent fuel cell treatment facility is located, and compares it to the situation observed in a zone in Brittany far from the factory. The work was carried out within the context of a series of epidemiological studies based around the Hague under the coordination of Alfred Spira and based on facilities that treat or used to treat spent nuclear fuel cells in the United Kingdom. The results of the study are published in the June edition of the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.

To learn more, consult the Inserm press release (in French).


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