Screening @Online Dec. 14 th 2020 // Inner Telescope, a Space Artwork by Eduardo Kac

The Office for Science and Technology and the Cultural Services of the Embassy of France in the US is pleased to partner with Théâtre Raymond Kabbaz (TRK), the performance space at Le Lycée Français de Los Angeles,  to present Inner Telescope,  a Space Artwork by Eduardo Kac  as part of its 2020 online season on Monday, December 14th from 9am to 6pm PST.

Directed by: Virgile Novarina

Producer: Observatoire de l’Espace du

Details: 35 min, France, 2017

Synopsis: Created by the artist Eduardo Kac to exist in weightlessness and to be made on board the International Space Station by French astronaut Thomas Pesquet, the work Inner Telescope lays the foundation for a new form of art and poetry, freed from the constraints of gravity. The film “Inner telescope, a space artwork by Eduardo Kac”, takes us on an artistic and scientific journey from the conception of the work in Eduardo Kac’s studio in Chicago to its realization in orbit by Thomas Pesquet, 400 km away from Earth, during the Proxima mission of the European Space Agency.

Registration via this link.


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