Photo Competition 2024


Contest terms and conditions


Anyone who is part of or has been part of a French-American scientific cooperation. This collaboration can take place in a private or public laboratory.
For individuals who were part of a French-American scientific cooperation in the past, the picture submitted must come from this research activity. 


The photo contest organized by the Scientific Department of the French Embassy in the United States celebrates French-American scientific cooperation.
Our goal is also to make science accessible to a wider public audience thanks to your photos !

Presentation of the submitted image

Through a short text, explain to us what your image represents. Use a simple and accessible language that can be easily understood by a public that is not familiar with your field of research. Don’t forget to give a title to your image. We also ask that you write a short biography about yourself, in addition to which French-American project you are part of or which laboratory you work in. Please write in english.

Eligible entries

A good resolution of your picture is essential to obtain a nice print. The ten pictures chosen as finalists will be printed and exhibited at the French Embassy in Washington DC. The minimum resolution required for an acceptable print is 1024 pixels per side. The recommended size is 3500 to 4000 pixels for a good quality print if selected. Maximum file size is 10 megabytes. The image must be submitted in PNG or JPEG/JPG format.

There are no restrictions on the fields of research. Photos can come from any existing scientific field. Any technology can be used to produce the shot: photography using natural light or various types of radiation, optical or electronic instruments, computer-generated images, modeling, drawing, diagrams, graphics.

Contest participation

Entry to the competition is free of charge. Only one photo can be submitted per person.

It is absolutely necessary that you hold the sole property rights of the photo submitted for the contest. Based on the article L 113-1 of the French “Code de la Propriété Intellectuelle” (Code for Intellectual Property), you must  be the owner of the picture that you submit for the contest. The Scientific Department of the French Embassy in the United States has the authority to publish and print the pictures once they are submitted by their author to our email address [email protected]


The deadline for entries is June 30, 2024. No applications will be accepted after this date. The entry will not be taken into consideration if the photo is not sent with a text of explanation, a title, and a biography. An image submitted may not be considered if its resolution does not meet the pixel requirements . Even if a picture is from a research activity of a laboratory, it will not be considered if this activity is not a French-American cooperation. Photos submitted to any other place than our email address [email protected] will not be accepted. 

Deliberation and prizes

The public vote will take place from July to August 2024.
The announcement of the two winners (Jury’s winner and Public’s choice’s winner) and the handover of the awards will take place during the France Science Summit in November 2024.

After the applications close on June 30, a jury, made of scientists, representatives of the French Embassy and the Scientific Department of the French Embassy in the United States, will choose the finalists photos. The finalists images will be on display on the dedicated page for the photo contest on our website France Science. Anyone will then be able to visit our website and vote for their favorite photo. Only one vote will be allowed per person. At the end of the period of voting, the photo who got the most votes will be awarded the Public’s choice award. 

The jury will also award a prize.


Jury’s prize : a round trip ticket to Paris
Public’s prize : a semi-professional camera


Discover the 20 pictures selected for the 2023 exhibition


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