Space Exploration: a Grenoble INP Alumni honored


On Monday 22nd of October, Charles Elachi, an alumni of Grenoble INP, received the gold medal of the city of Grenoble in honor of his career as a scientist and protagonist of space exploration. Charles Elachi came to Grenoble for his studies after being designated best scientific student of Lebanon in 1963.

From Grenoble to NASA

Following his degree in Grenoble, Charles Elachi was a doctoral student at the renowned American university CalTech, in Pasadena (California). He joins NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL) in 1970 and leads it as Director from 2001 to 2016, during which he was in charge, among other things, of Mars Curiosity exploration program. He was a indisputable actor of the cooperation between JPL and

Today Charles Elachi is a member of the scientific committee of the University Space Center of Grenoble and entertains close ties with the city.


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