CNES MAG n°75 Digital – Boosting Space


Accompanying and anticipating society’s needs, digital data is more than ever at the heart of activities. Primarily, has a function of generator of Big Data, but also, it valorizes space data for the benefit of the citizen.

The European astrometry mission Gaia perfectly illustrates’ function as a Big Data generator, through its pioneering role in the design of the spacecraft and its exceptional data processing capacity measuring itself in petabyte (observation of a billion of astronomical objects).’ rich experience accumulated over decades and constantly renewed is also an essential contribution to the development of new services such as the autonomous vehicle, whose existence is made possible by the precision of the Galileo navigation and positioning system, or the telemedicine which will provide better access to care for people with reduced mobility.

This 75th issue of the quarterly magazine MAG is an opportunity to better understand how space and in particular participate in the digital transformation of our society.


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