French American Doctoral Exchange on Ocean Science Grant 2025

FADEx 2025





Call for applications

French American Doctoral Exchange on Ocean Science Grant

Paris, Brest, Marseille and Nice (France)

27 May – 7 June 2025

In connection with the One Ocean Science Congress


The One Ocean Science Congress (OOSC) will be held in Nice, France, 4 to 6 June 2025. It is a UN Special Event serving as the scientific foundation of the Third United Nations Ocean Conference (UNOC3).

An exceptional opportunity is given to 10 students completing their PhD in Ocean science in a US university or research institute to receive a grant to participate in a field trip in France from May, 27th to June, 7th. The trip will include the active participation to OOSC as well as lab visits and meetings with leading ocean research groups based in Paris, Brest (on the French Atlantic Coast), Marseille and Nice (on the French Mediterranean Coast) in the week before the Congress.

This field trip is organized in the frame of The French-American Doctoral Exchange (FADEx) program of the Embassy of France in the United States.



Application to the 2025 FADEX on Ocean Science Grant is open to students currently completing a PhD in Ocean Science at a U.S. university or research center. Applications should be submitted by e-mail no later than November 14th, 2024, to the following address: [email protected]

Please ensure your application includes the following documents:

  • The completed attached application form
  • Your résumé (CV) and academic transcripts for your graduate studies
  • A copy of the abstract submitted to the 2025 One Ocean Science Congress (please include the abstract submission number)
  • A 1-page summary of your doctoral research project
  • Proof of registration at your university or research institution
  • A recommendation letter from your PhD supervisor


You can download the application form here: APPLICATION FORM – FADEX OCEAN 2025


Parallel Submission Requirement

In addition to submitting your application to the FADEX on Ocean Science grant, applicants are also required to submit an abstract to the One Ocean Science Congress (OOSC). Please follow the guidelines and submission process detailed on the OOSC website OOS2025 – How to submit an abstract (


Selection for the FADEX on Ocean Science grant is subject to the acceptance of your abstract for an oral presentation or a poster session at the OOSC.

N.B. No more than three students of the same institution will be admitted


Eligible  areas of research

The call for applications is open to candidates conducting research in any of the themes of the One Ocean Science Congress : 

  • Theme 1: Integrating knowledge systems, with a focus on responsibility and respect for the ocean
  • Theme 2: Effectiveness, equitability and safety of ocean-based approaches to reach the mitigation and adaptation goals of the Paris Climate Agreement
  • Theme 3: Protection and restoration of marine and coastal ecosystems to ensure sustainable and equitable management
  • Theme 4: Knowledge of the deep ocean and ways to enable its sustainable use
  • Theme 5: Marine genetic resources: from discovery to equitable access and sharing of associated benefits
  • Theme 6: Transparency in the fisheries sector, including illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing
  • Theme 7: Sustainability, equitability, and safety of ocean-based food systems
  • Theme 8: Marine plastic pollution
  • Theme 9: Environmental footprint of maritime transport and decarbonization of shipping
  • Theme 10: Vibrant science to inform and support ocean action


Costs covered by the grant

The FADEx grant covers the costs of the round trip ticket between the US and France, the domestic travel costs within France and the accommodation.



Application start : October 2024

Application deadline: November 14th 2024

Results: early January 2025

FadEx Immersion week in France: May 27th – June 7th 2025


Background information on the FADEX program of the Embassy of France in the United States

The FADEX program  fosters scientific exchange between American and French Ph.D. students who are working in related scientific fields. This program provides participants with the opportunity to engage in high-level academic and professional activities. By connecting early-career researchers across the Atlantic, FADEx contributes to the foundation of long-term French-American scientific collaboration. Each edition of the program is dedicated to a specific scientific theme, ensuring focused and meaningful interactions.

The program offers its laureates the chance to visit renowned research laboratories, engage directly with leading research teams, and attend keynote lectures delivered by distinguished senior researchers. Additionally, participants have the opportunity to present their own research, fostering a collaborative environment that encourages the exchange of ideas and the exploration of new avenues for joint research.

The OST at the Embassy of France is committed to strengthening the long-standing scientific cooperation between the United States and France. Priorities are set on a multi-annual basis by authorities of both countries. To accomplish this mission, the OST has developed several programs and tools to foster bilateral cooperation, one being the French-American Doctoral Exchange program (FADEx). Previous editions focused on areas such as Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity, and another edition is currently dedicated to Quantum Information Sciences. This 2025 edition is dedicated to Ocean sciences, endorsed by IFREMER and CNRS, the organizers of the One Ocean Science Congress. Any student is eligible to participate in the program, regardless of their nationality, as long as they are enrolled in a PhD program related to ocean sciences in a US institution. 

Participants in the FADEx program are students selected for their academic excellence and their potential to contribute to their respective fields. 



Théophile Altuzarra at :

[email protected]



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