Les prouesses architecturales mondialement connues que sont la tour Eiffel et la Statue de la Liberté ont pu voir le jour (et être suffisamment durables pour pouvoir être encore admirées aujourd’hui) grâce aux innovations radicales d’un ingénieur français exceptionnel : Gustave Eiffel (1832-1923). Dans le cadre du centenaire de sa disparition, le service scientifique de l’Ambassade de France invite Jean François […]
RSVP here! 8:00 am Welcome Coffee 9:00 am Inaugural Summit Address His Excellency Ambassador Laurent Bili Thierry Damerval, Special Envoy in Science, Technology and Innovation, Ministry of Higher Education & Research and Ministry for Europe & Foreign Affairs Mireille Guyader, Counselor for Science and Technology Alain Mermet, Director of the CNRS European and International Affairs […]
An opportunity to showcase the diversity of collaborations with North America, to discuss common challenges in biomedical research and to introduce the new director of our office in Washington DC. Program: Inserm Agenda 60 Years RSVP here! 9:00 Opening Session His Excellency Ambassador Laurent Bili (Ambassador of France to the United States) Didier Samuel […]
RSVP here Join Us at the French Tech Boston Climate Innovation Summit!
Dive into the heart of cleantech innovation at our upcoming Climate Innovation Summit, co-hosted by FACCNE, French Tech Boston, and the French Consulate. Gain valuable insights into how universities, incubators, global corporations, investors, and regional institutions work together to power […]
Science Beyond Borders: a Deep Tech career hub
Friday, November 15 2024
General’s Residence Fort Mason RSVP here (Registration required - On site only)
Discover and create career opportunities between France and the United States
Foster American and French research collaborations
Promote innovation & showcase entrepreneurial ventures