[Alpha] Join us on April 13th for a unique panel on international space cooperation

On April 22, Thomas Pesquet will return to the International Space Station (ISS) aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 launched from Cape Canaveral. In view of this historic event, an exceptional webinar gathering His Excellency the French Ambassador in the United States and key space players will be held on April 13 at 11am EST.
alpha missio

As we approach Thomas Pesquet’s launch from Cape Canaveral to the International Space Station (ISS) on April 22th, the French Consulate in Miami is organizing on April 13th 11:00am EST (5:00pm GMT) a unique webinar about France, Europe and US cooperation in Space.

This panel will gather key players in both space and diplomacy to discuss the European Space Agency (ESA) Alpha Mission, multilateral space cooperation and the participation of private companies in the space adventure.
Brendan BYRNE, space reporter for WMFE and NPR radio, will be joined by this impressive panel list:

  • His Excellence Mr. Philippe ÉTIENNE, Ambassador of France in the United States of America
  • Mr. Jean-Yves LE GALL, https://fscience-old.originis.fr/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/GLOC_Oslo_Norway_S2_27juillet2022_web-2-1.jpg President
  • Ms. Sylvie ESPINASSE, Head of ESA Office in Washington D.C
  • Dr. Julie A. ROBINSON, Chief Scientist and Acting Manager for Science & Technology Utilization in the Human Exploration and Operations at NASA HQ in Washington
  • Mr. Frank DiBELLO, President and Chief Executive Officer at Space Florida
  • Ms. Stephanie BEDNAREK, Senior Director of Commercial Sales at SpaceX

A public Q&A session will follow the presentation.

To participate in this exceptional event, free registration on Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/webinar-bringing-international-space-cooperation-to-the-next-level-tickets-149374506169.

A Facebook live and replay is also accessible through the following link : https://www.facebook.com/events/1122988571446020/. 


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