Created in 1945, the CEA reports to the Ministry for Research, the Ministry for Defence and the Ministry for Economic Affairs, Finance and Industry.
The French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) is a key player in research, development and innovation in the fields of energy, defense, information technologies, communication and health. Ever since it was created in 1945, it has successfully responded to major scientific challenges in many fields, including the French nuclear power generation program, nuclear deterrence, micro- and nanotechnologies, astrophysics, medical imaging, toxicology, biotechnologies, etc.
CEA’s ability to develop and innovate is the result of its long-standing policy of organized co-operation between engineers and researchers and its recognition on high-level fundamental research that is vital to the emergence of new concepts. CEA also has outstanding high-performance tools to conduct its research programs (supercomputers, research reactors, major physics equipments, high-power lasers, etc.).
It also maintains close relations with other research organizations and universities to co-ordinate research, share the expertise and optimize resources, always with the objective of carrying out high-level scientific research.
Today, CEA is recognized not only for its expertise in the many areas of research and development, but it is also considered to be a driving force for innovation and technological dissemination through its involvement in the industrial and economic environment and many national and international partnerships.