our programs

The Chateaubriand Fellowship Program for doctoral students in science aims to initiate or strengthen collaborations or joint projects between French and American research teams. These fellowships support doctoral students enrolled in a U.S. university who engage in a research project with a French laboratory. The program covers both the humanities and social sciences (HSS) and science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).

While the HSS component of this program is overseen by the Cultural Service of the Embassy of France in Washington, its STEM component is established and funded by the Office for Science and Technology (SST). Inserm, Inria, and the University of Paris-Saclay also contribute to the program by funding the reception of students in their institutions.

The awarded fellowships cover travel expenses, stay in France (up to €1,500 per month, modulated based on other sources of income), and health insurance for a period ranging from 4 to 9 months.

All fields in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Health are eligible. Knowledge of French is not required and is left to the discretion of the host laboratory.

Dates: The call for applications is generally open from October (year N) to January (year N+1) for a stay that should begin between September (year N+1) and April (year N+2).

Apply Chateaubriand Fellowship program

The Chateaubriand Fellowship is a grant offered by the Embassy of France in the United States.

Every year, it allows doctorate students enrolled in American universities and post-doctorates to conduct research in France for up to 10 months for the Scientific fellowships and up to 12 months for the Humanities ans Social Sciences fellowships.

Chateaubriand recipients receive a stipend, a round trip ticket to France and health insurance.

The Chateaubriand Fellowship is highly competitive and the awarding of the fellowships is very selective.